USB data sticks can be fixed by software when they cannot be accessed normally because they are write-protected or because they ask for formatting and give an error when trying to format them.
First of all, we must have a little "Sacadatos" program at hand to find out the information on its internal components, called ChipGenius, and from this data we can locate the specific tool to flash it, either with firmware or using a low-end formatting method. level. At your disposal I leave the latest version with a launcher developed by Armando López that allows you to take the data correctly. You can show me in the comments the information you give them and if the corresponding tools are not published I can upload them so that they are available to those who need them. The comments are made to me on the page corresponding to the memory controller in the Downloads menu - Drivers so that there is an organization of the blog content.
In the same launcher it is explained how the operations should be done:
Download Launcher with ChipGenius (867.1 KB)
There is another tool that is still important and it is Flash Drive Information Extractor (GetFlashInfo), several versions available on the Downloads - Drivers page, it is worth clarifying that to use this tool only the memory in question, otherwise there will be the risk of extracting the information from another memory that is not the one with the problem.
Important: I prefer to use this tool first than ChipGenius. When it comes to USB3.0 memories, it is convenient to use this tool to get the information before ChipGenius because when copying and pasting in a comment, practically nothing of the necessary information comes out.
Capture of the tool:
It provides almost the same data as ChipGenius but you can find out other details that the previous one does not provide, for example the capacity that comes out in Windows, if it has a format or not, the memory file system, the operating system used, among others. .
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